...andare all'asilo
Center for Health Education and Family Wellness
and kindergarten
and support




Our educational community is inspired by the Danish model for educating and raising children. For this reason, back in 2004, we chose the name “A Me Mi Piace andare all’asilo” as the flagship of our first center, making the pedagogy of happiness the mission of a broader psycho-pedagogical project.

Life skills and the psychology of health, understood as the promotion of children’s well-being, have been the other paths we have pursued over these 15 years. We have engaged in a fruitful exchange between pedagogical and neuro-psychological paradigms and thriving scientific research, resulting in our contribution to innovating the world of nursery schools and early childhood education, inspiring many schools established after ours.

Even during the Covid-19 health emergency, we were called upon to renew our proposal, rethink it, and redesign it with the aim of supporting families and, most importantly, the children who, during the restrictions, paid the highest price, confined in the shadow of a social upheaval. This demonstrates that services like ours serve not only an educational and formative purpose in society but also a strategic one, supporting the most important unit, which is the family.

Denmark, the country that tops the UN’s World Happiness Report, represents a model for us to draw inspiration from. The reason can be found in the principles that characterize the Danish educational reality, principles contained in the acronym P.A.R.E.N.T. (parent), which stands for PLAY, AUTHENTICITY, REFRAMING, EMPATHY, NO ULTIMATUM, TOGETHERNESS & HYGGE. This means giving children the opportunity to play freely in the open air, establishing an authentic and sincere relationship with them, free from ultimatums, power games, and punishments, teaching them the values of resilience and empathy, and creating a stress-free, dedicated, and joyful environment.

This choice, combined with the Italian pedagogical tradition, a hallmark of a model replicated worldwide, provides us with the opportunity to make conscious and socially responsible choices, reinforcing the values that our school has chosen as the banner of its community. These values have accompanied our long journey of growth: Community, Cooperation, Joy, Respect, Multiculturalism.

All our knowledge has been invested in the past and continues to be in the present, in creating the necessary conditions to express values similar to those practiced in the Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark), integrating them with Montessori and Reggio Emilia pedagogy, which at this historical moment represent beacons of educational innovation and maturity.


Our didactic-educational planning constitutes the reasoned elaboration of the moments, tools and activities used to define and manage the formative and intentional paths offered to children of different ages.

The didactic-educational design is articulated by developmental areas in the kindergarten and fields of experience in the preschool, each of which provides specific learning objectives aimed at the realization of the individual “Portfolio of Competencies,” as an evaluation and orientation tool delivered to families at the end of each school year.

Didactic-educational planning is complemented by other experiences:

  • Bilingualism

  • School trips

  • Dance

  • Soccer

  • Psychomotricity

  • Music


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