Our team
Perla Boccaccini
Scientific Organizational Management

For nearly two decades I have been designing and starting innovative education centers, competent in promoting the well-being of the modern family by accompanying them in the most important of life's projects, raising a child.
I founded klc to centralize the work in our schools, networking the valuable team I have put together over the years.
Having such high-level professional figures by my side motivates me on a daily basis to do better and better, to offer our pupils paths that can stimulate the precious potential they have, to support parents in the delicate task their child has assigned to them.
"I am a psychotherapist specializing in health psychology, from the day I walked through the door of my faculty, the curiosity to work with children, ensuring their maximum well-being, has never left me. Da quando ho incontrato per la prima volta lo sguardo di un neonato appena venuto al mondo, nel periodo in cui svolgevo ricerche scientifiche sulle competenze neonatali, non ho mai smesso di pensare a loro come a dei maestri da cui avevo il privilegio di apprendere. Deploying their life skills through education anchored in neuroscience gives me the dream of them gliding safely and happily into their future!"
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Maria Rosa Di Leo
Music teacher

Since I was a child, I've felt a deep connection to music, which I expressed through singing. Literally "enchanted" by the sound of the violin, I chose to embark on the fantastic journey into the magical world of music through the study of this instrument. During my academic journey, I was captivated by the warm and deep sound of the viola, which I chose as my primary instrument, graduating from the Avellino Conservatory under the guidance of Maestro Antonio Cipriani, a violinist, violist, conductor, and educator of the "Abreu Method." From him, I learned the fundamental principles of instrumental teaching aimed at children.
Simultaneously, I studied the application of sound effects and trained as a Music Therapist with a holistic approach at the "Evolutionary Music Therapy – Biomusic" school by Mario Corradini, as well as "Musicoecotherapy" by Franca Campoli and the "Euterpe Method" devised by Professor Tommaso Liuzzi. This method not only includes music therapy but also focuses on inclusive education for individuals with disabilities, inclusive orchestras, and music therapy sessions for the purpose of research and scientific publications supported by the "Bambin Gesù" Hospital in Palidoro and the Santa Cecilia Conservatory in Rome.
Subsequently, I developed the format for "playful-musical workshops with a preparatory purpose in nurseries and preschools," deepening my training in this area with Dr. Monia Bevilaqua, the founder of the M.A.M. (Music - Art - Movement) project, and with Ciro Paduano, a leading exponent of Body Percussion in Italy. The methodology applied is based on the integration of the most famous methods of music education, such as the Gordon method (using the voice), the Orff-Schulwerk method (utilizing rhythmic instruments), and the Dalcroze method (using movement with music - eurhythmics).
Lisa Mucci
Head of English Department

I grew up in a bilingual family (English mother, Italian father). At the age of four and a half, I began learning to read and write in English, and at six, I started attending the Italian school system while continuing to use English at home. I completed my English education, specializing as an English language teacher, and I completed my Italian education by earning a degree in psychology with specializations in human resource management and conflict resolution mediation.
I have been teaching English and coordinating bilingual projects for over 20 years. In the field of HR (Human Resources), I work on school management, helping to reorganize the first and second-level organizational charts, defining roles, responsibilities, and job profiles. I also handle curriculum analysis, selection, and counseling, while monitoring the psychophysical well-being of the staff.
At KLC School, I found a team and an environment that aligns with my vision of education and has welcomed and motivated me to bring all my experience and professionalism to the table.
"My goal is to help create a happy and motivating environment that will contribute to preparing children to be educated, competent, responsible, and active citizens of the World."
Serena Granella

I graduated with honors in 2008, and since then, I have been working with language and communication difficulties and disorders in both adults and children. In the developmental age, I mainly focus on language disorders, such as language delays, specific language impairment (SLI), phonological disorders, and specific learning disorders (SLD).
"Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic [...]"
- Albus Dumbledore, from the book "Harry Potter.
Francesca Lazzaro
Development and educational psychologist

Developmental and educational psychologist, graduated from La Sapienza University, and registered with the Order of Psychologists of Lazio.
Tutor for DSA, BES, and ADHD. Certified Trainer by the University of Alabama in the Coping Power School method for school interventions in behavior disorders and ADHD.
For over 16 years, I have been working at the Kids Learning Center, taking on various roles:
- Wellness Department Manager (Coordinating the psychopedagogical aspects of the educational team, parent training, parent coaching, implementing educational strategies, and assessing the socio-emotional development of students).
- Expert in screening and assessment.
- Admission Manager.
"The true protagonists of our schools are the children, and I feel like one of them, just with a few more years and many tools honed over time, available to all those who, like me, care about the well-being of children!"